When you use our website we automatically collect information about you. This is primarily to facilitate your user experience and for our own statistical purposes.

2024-06-20 Our office is summer closed to visitors 24 June – 12 July.
You can still contact our customer service by phone on 040-685 43 50 9 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 3 pm every weekday.
You can always reach us by email at info@rosengardfastighet.se

  • Hej!
  • Hello!
  • !مرحبا
  • Zdravo!
  • Salaan kaddib!
  • Ћao!
  • Tung!
  • Bok!
  • नमस्ते!
Call us on 040 6854350 or send us an email. Follow us on instagram, linkedin and  mynewsdesk!

Call us

040 6854350 (weekdays 9 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 3 pm)

For urgent matters or to reach Trygghetsjouren, outside office hours, call 040 6854350

Write to us



Rosengård Fastighets AB
Box 8076
200 41 Malmö

Visit us

Kopparbergsgatan 2c, second floor

Summer closed 24 June-12 July 2024


Tuesday 9 am to 10 am
Wednesday 10 am to 11 am
Thursday 2 pm to 3 pm

Find the right person!

Commercial rentals
Questions about Culture Casbah
Job enquiries
Press enquiries
Please find press information and images at our MyNewsDesk
Other matters
Jenny Tebäck, Marketing and Communications Manager jenny.teback@rosengardfastighet.se